суббота, 10 сентября 2011 г.


Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives

A war to achieve limited aims is basically a war staged either to show the enemy the U.S. of A. strength (Show of Force) or to claim a part of the enemy's (THE AXE OF EVIL) surplus as your own.
A perfect example of this case scenario is the 2001 Afghan war, 2003 Irak Ipod Invasion and 2008 South Ossetian War, where the American's and Russian's decisively defeated the EVIL FORCES, but as the objective itself is to "Liberate" the breakaway ANGELS,the Political and Military power is neutralized.
Therefore, having a limited aim or objective, it qualifies as a "War to achieve limited aims it a livespan of 10 or 20 years of occupation".

A war to neutralize and render the opponent politically and militarily powerless is a war to completely defeat the EVIL enemy and reduce (is numbers) from a threat to a relatively benign threat(by means of massive killing)

At the end of World War I, the Western Powers (Britain,France and the United States) defeated Imperial Germany , the Otto man's and The Austrian Empire

the resulting armistice rendered them powerless until 20 years later

Therefore, as the Allies had turned their opponent into a Politically and Militarily powerless state, World War I and W.W II could be considered as a "war to neutralize and render the opponent politically and militarily powerless" .

The Outcome of war will favor those who employ the most force and resources?

well if they have resources enough to spend

the outcome of war will favor those who employ the most force and resources....not

понедельник, 15 августа 2011 г.

четверг, 21 июля 2011 г.

2011THE CYTOTOXIC THERAPY суббота, 11 июня 2011


Подумала, что нужна моему ребетенку молитва на ночь...желательно бы покороче этой-но пока вот ниче лучше этой не нашла)
Продолжаю поиски)
Жду подсказок от Вас))


Прими, , Господь
Храни, Господь, детей моих!
Средь ночи и средь бела дня
Храни, как ты хранишь меня!

В час испытания лихой,
Что посылает жизнь порой,
Ты мужество в их сердце лей.
Храни, Господь, моих детей!

От чёрных стрел обереги,
С тропы неверной уведи,
Пошли им преданных друзей.
Храни, Господь, моих детей!

Храни от войн и от чумы,
От искушений Князя Тьмы.
Звенит Планета Матерей:
Храни, Господь, храни детей!

Да будет путь их чист и ясен,
В делах и помыслах прекрасен,
С открытым сердцем для людей.
Храни, Господь, храни детей!

Пусть звёзд немолчный хоровод
Тропой Любви детей ведёт.
Раскинь над ними Неба синь.
Храни, Господь! Храни!

пятница, 17 июня 2011 г.


Mi nombre es Brahim, soy saharaui y tengo 20 años, he nacido en los Campamentos de Refugiados de Tinduf (Argelia).
En abril de 2009 sufro un terrible accidente al pisar una mina antipersona en la zona liberada del Sahara Occidental, que me produce la amputación traumática de la pierna derecha.
Vengo a España en diciembre de 2010 para que me pueda ser colocada una prótesis. Tras varios meses, después de salvar diversas dificultades y travas administrativas, obtengo una Autorización de Residencia Temporal por Circunstancias Excepcionales, con validez hasta el día 15 de octubre de 2011, que me permite permanecer en España para el seguimiento de la evolución y adaptación de la prótesis, tal como aconsejan los informes médicos.
El accidente trunca radicalmente mis planes, mi vida y mi futuro en los Campamentos. En mi situación, volver al desierto es renunciar a la única posibilidad de tener un futuro que no sea sentarme y ver cómo pasa el tiempo.
Actualmente vivo de forma temporal con una familia española, hasta que pueda emanciparme. Para ello necesito encontrar un trabajo, pero la autorización temporal que tengo es sólo de residencia, no me permite trabajar ni tampoco apuntarme como demandante de empleo en la oficina del paro.
Esta situación podría cambiar si inicialmente encontrara una persona o empresa que me hiciera una oferta de trabajo de un año de duración. Podría entonces modificar esta autorización de residencia por una autorización temporal de residencia y trabajo. Una vez obtenida la autorización para trabajar, la persona o empresa que me hubiese contratado no tendría obligación de mantenerme el contrato todo el año. Y yo con esta autorización sí podría entonces buscar otros trabajos, aunque fueran ya de menor duración, y podría también inscribirme en el paro o acceder a determinados planes de empleo.
Para quien pudiera estar interesado en ayudarme con una oferta de empleo, conviene saber que valdría un contrato de aprendizaje y que en unas semanas obtendré un certificado de discapacidad (estas circunstancias conllevan rebajas y/o bonificaciones en cuanto a costes de contratación). También saber que actualmente no existen limitaciones geográficas ni de sectores para contratar a una persona extranjera.

Puedes contactar conmigo en:
Teléfono: 665424598
E-mail: brahim.hakim@hotmail.com

четверг, 24 марта 2011 г.

थे अन्द्रोइड आँईड

"I ache, therefore I am."
"Do you want me to sit in a corner and rust or just fall apart where I'm standing?"
"Pardon me for breathing, which I never do anyway so I don't know why I bother to say it, oh God, I'm so depressed. Here's another one of those self-satisfied doors. Life! Don't talk to me about life."
"Life," said Marvin dolefully, "loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it."
"Simple. I got very bored and depressed, so I went and plugged myself in to its external computer feed. I talked to the computer at great length and explained my view of the Universe to it," said Marvin."And what happened?" pressed Ford."It committed suicide."
Sobre ter sido abandonado num parque de estacionamento durante 500 milhões de anos: "The first ten million years were the worst. And the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into sort of a decline"
"Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without trying to invent any more of it"
Arthur: "Marvin, any ideas?"Marvin: "I have a million ideas. They all point to certain death."
Marvin: "I am at a rough estimate thirty billion times more intelligent than you. Let me give you an example. Think of a number, any number."Zem: "Er, five."Marvin: "Wrong. You see?"
"Why stop now just when I'm hating it?"
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed"

вторник, 8 февраля 2011 г.

VIRAL REVOLUTION- ANONYMUS R' US профиль не может быть отображен. Многие пользователи еще не решили открыть общий доступ к своему профи

agt40 a dit…Профиль недоступен
Запрошенный профиль не может быть отображен.
Многие пользователи еще не решили открыть общий доступ к своему профи
To all the people of world
The people in Egypt are under governmental siege. Mubarak regime is banning Facebook, Twitter, and all other popular internet sites Now, the internet are completely blocked in Egypt. Tomorrow the government will block the 3 mobile phone network will be completely blocked. And there is news that even the phone landlines will be cut tomorrow, to prevent any news agency from following what will happen.
Suez city is already under siege now. The government cut the water supply and electricity, people, including, children and elderly are suffering there now. The patients in hospitals cannot get urgent medical care. The injured protesters are lying in the streets and the riot police are preventing people from helping them. The families of the killed protesters cannot get the bodies of their sons to bury them. This picture is the same in north Saini (El-Sheikh zoyad city) and in western Egypt (Al-salom). The riot police is cracking down on protesters in Ismailia, Alexandria, Fayoum, Shbin Elkoum, and Cairo, the capital, in many neighborhoods across the city.
The government is preparing to crackdown on the protesters in all Egyptian cities. They are using tear gas bombs, rubber and plastic pullets, chemicals like dilutes mustard gas against protesters. Several protesters today have been killed when the armored vehicles of the riot police hit them. Officials in plain clothes carrying blades and knives used to intimidate protesters. Thugs deployed by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior are roaming the streets of Cairo, setting fire on car-wheels as means of black propaganda to demonize protesters and justify police beatings and state torture

All this has been taken place over the past three days during the peaceful demonstrations in Cairo and other cities. Now, with the suspicious silence of the local media and the lack of coverage from the international media, Mubarak and his gang are blocking all the channels that can tell the world about what is happening.
People who call for their freedom need your support and help. Will you give them a hand?
The activists are flooding the net (youtube and other sites) with thousands of pictures and videos showing the riot police firing on armless people. The police started to use ammunition against protesters. 15-year old girl has been injured and another 25 year old man has been shot in the mouth. While nothing of these has appeared in the media, there is more to happen tomorrow. Will you keep silent? Will you keep your mouth shut while seeing all these cruelty and inhumane actions?
We don’t ask for much, just broadcast what is happening