суббота, 10 сентября 2011 г.


Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives

A war to achieve limited aims is basically a war staged either to show the enemy the U.S. of A. strength (Show of Force) or to claim a part of the enemy's (THE AXE OF EVIL) surplus as your own.
A perfect example of this case scenario is the 2001 Afghan war, 2003 Irak Ipod Invasion and 2008 South Ossetian War, where the American's and Russian's decisively defeated the EVIL FORCES, but as the objective itself is to "Liberate" the breakaway ANGELS,the Political and Military power is neutralized.
Therefore, having a limited aim or objective, it qualifies as a "War to achieve limited aims it a livespan of 10 or 20 years of occupation".

A war to neutralize and render the opponent politically and militarily powerless is a war to completely defeat the EVIL enemy and reduce (is numbers) from a threat to a relatively benign threat(by means of massive killing)

At the end of World War I, the Western Powers (Britain,France and the United States) defeated Imperial Germany , the Otto man's and The Austrian Empire

the resulting armistice rendered them powerless until 20 years later

Therefore, as the Allies had turned their opponent into a Politically and Militarily powerless state, World War I and W.W II could be considered as a "war to neutralize and render the opponent politically and militarily powerless" .

The Outcome of war will favor those who employ the most force and resources?

well if they have resources enough to spend

the outcome of war will favor those who employ the most force and resources....not